Blow Gun Cannon TOR
-Modern construction from robust certified stainless high quality materials.
-Oversized volumes and materials gives high wear resistance and max conveying capabilities.
-Several cannons and cyclones with pipe diverters saves other additional conveyors.
-Robust fittings and clampings handles high conveying forces.
-Enclosed, safe & hygienic

Volume 200-2000L
Length 20-500m
Capacity 2-20m3/h
Blow Gun Cannon TOR is a pneumatic pipe conveying system made in Sweden since 1955.
TOR uses compressed air for powerful handling of many kinds of materials for long high distance.
Dry, wet or heavy and abrasive materials are transported via conveyor pipes for compact installation.
In line pipe switch diverters can direct the materials from several cannon senders to several cyclone receivers at different places.
TOR can be used as vacuum conveying system.