Unidade Combinada Compacta CCU

More information coming soon.

CCU is designed for effective shipping with road lorry trailers and iso containers

CCU is made by thick strong high quality materials and thoroughly reinforced.

Compact Combi Unit CCU is delivered as std with a high capacity self cleaning Progressive Stair Screen 1-3mm for >80-90% scr screenings capture. The screen has no spraying or brushing and is separated from the compactor for optimum result and redundancy

Compact Combi Unit CCU is delivered as std with a high wash press compactor WPC. The compactor is separated from the screen for optimum result and redundancy. We recommend pushing screenings compactors instead of pulling screws which tangle and block from stringy wet tissue screenings

High quality oversized reinforced gearboxes with thick >50-70mm shaft transmission. Thick 10mm stainless steel screw trough flanges for easy service and high force handling

Compact Combi Unit CCU has 20-25mm thick flight dia >285mm pulling shaftless spirals of high wear resistant high strength steel. Shafted and stainless steel screws are available but not recommended due to faster wear.

The spirals run on thick easy exchangeable screwed wear steel bars. Shafted and stainless steel screws are available but not recommended due to faster wear.

Optional sand pump as alternative to dewatering discharge screw. Air lift or dry mount stainless duplex wear resistant anti blocking vortex

Optional integrated grease trap with multi blade high capacity Chain Scraper Skimmer CSS

Optional aeration with blower

Optional CSS Chain Scraper Skimmer and grease pump. High quality positive displacement lobe or eccentric type.